Terms and Conditions

General Terms

1. Acceptance: By enrolling or using institution resources, you agree to abide by the regulations Greenhatsz.
2. Intellectual Property: Institution owns all intellectual property, including course materials.
3. Academic Integrity: You agree to uphold academic integrity and avoid plagiarism, cheating, etc.
4. Code of Conduct: You agree to abide by the institution’s Code of Conduct and policies.
5. Payment Terms: You agree to payment terms and conditions for tuition, fees, etc.
6. Refund Policy: Institution’s refund policy applies to all payments.
7. Governing Law: Terms are governed by Andhra Pradesh laws.
8. Changes to Terms: Institution reserves the right to update terms at any time. Student-Specific Terms


1. You agree to enrollment terms, including duration and course load.
2. Attendance: You agree to attend classes regularly and meet attendance requirements.
3. Assessments: You agree to complete assessments and evaluations as required.
4. Grading: You agree to the institution’s grading policies and procedures.
5. Student Conduct: You agree to abide by the institution’s student conduct policies.

Online Course-Specific Terms

1. Access: You agree to use institution-provided online platforms and resources.
2. Technical Requirements: You agree to meet technical requirements for online courses.
3. Online Conduct: You agree to abide by the institution’s online conduct policies.

Data Protection

1. Personal Data: Institution handles personal data in accordance with its privacy policy.
2. Data Security: Institution takes reasonable measures to ensure data security.

Limitation of Liability

1. Institution’s Liability: Institution’s liability is limited to the extent permitted by law.
2. No Warranties: Institution makes no warranties, express or implied.